Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday classes

On Monday, we met in the IMC from the beginning of class, so that we could work on our projects. You had a choice to either work on your Oil Spill project with your partner, or work on your Alien Species Poster individually. Mrs. Stein collected Lab 58 which was homework over the weekend, and gave us each a stamp for completing the Cornell Notes.

Read Section 6.4 and make a chart/table.
LOOK: At both suggestions for your graph/ chart:
(this is a suggestion, so make sure you make your own grap h!)
-Due: Wednesday

On Tuesday, we met in the Auditioium for our montly Science Day. There, we watched part of the movie Planet Earth. While we were watching it, we were told to fill out a bubble map that was to be turned in at the end of the period.
Same as Monday's.

On Wednesday, we met in the classroom. Mrs. Stein collected the homework from whoever had it. Some people had concerns/questions so Mrs. Stein explained the homework again. If you did not understand it or did not complete it for any reason, you have one extra day to complete it. Then, Mrs. Stein passed out our quizzes from last week. We looked over them and went over any questions we had. We then continued with us learning about population density. We got into groups of four and filled out a workesheet. The worksheet was simply asking us questions like:
  • What is the earth's population?
  • What might become a major problem as the population keeps on increasing?

We went over a couple of those questions after we had a short discussion with our group members. After that, we ended class by watching a video on population density and how it has increased over the years.

-Homework: (important reminders)

  1. Oil spill project -Due: TOMORROW (upload it to the blog and be ready to hand in all written work.)
  2. Alien Poster -Due: 9/27
  3. Extra Credit, Grove -9/25
  4. Skim Section 5.3 for diagrams and key ideas BEFORE test.
  5. Start Studying for the Ecology Test on Tuesday

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