Monday, December 13, 2010


Hey guys. Im blogging for the last two days of the week, so Thursday and Friday. On Thursday we did not do alot of things. WE just turned in our homework, which was UP pages 67-71, complete a quiz on what we have been learning in class the last few weeks, and finally we worked on UP pages 7-8. For homework we had to read pages 14.3 and 15.2 in our texbook and complete UP pages 73-74 and 79, these are both due by monday. We also had to remember to go to the Lyceum for a video on dogs.Which i think everyone did seeming that i saw all of you on Friday there.
On Friday like i said before we watched a movie about dogs and how they came to be. In the move they explained that over a long period of time dogs could have been taimed and tried to be kept as pets for hunting. When they were being taim they realeassed different hormones which altered their DNA to give them a different look then everyone else. Although they still hav a gene for all the same traits they had before.
Well thanks for reading and dont forget the homework!

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