Sunday, April 10, 2011

This morning we took out our Enzymes and Digestive Fluids Summary sheet for a stamp. We went over it in class, going over the specific enzymes and digestive fluids. This was important because we do have a quiz for tomorrow on Digestion.

Therefore, to prepare, Mrs. Stein came up with 3 questions on the board to quiz ourselves.

1. asked to describe carbohydrate digestion, where it takes place, what enzymes are involved and what molecules it acts on.

As a class, we decided that carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth where amylase breaks down starch to maltose. Once the food leaves the stomach, pancreatic juice causes more amylase to finish changing starch into maltase, acting in the duodenum. The maltase digests the maltose, breaking it up into glucose molecules.

Starch --> Maltose  --> Glucose
       amylase             maltase

2. -Pepsin breaks down proteins into smaller polypeptide chains, found in the stomach. HCl kills the bacteria and lowers the pH level.
3. -Bile salts break big fat molecules into smaller ones in significance of a larger surface area. This is known as Emulsification.
After our discussion, we went to our lab benches and resumed with our Nutrient Lab. Today, we finished Benedict's solution, and observed the clear and orange outcomes in the test tubes. We will be finishing the rest of our lab tomorrow.


-Study for the digestion quiz tomorrow!

-Nutrient Lab due by end of class tomorrow.

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