Sunday, November 14, 2010

DNA activity - friday 11/12/10

- star & wish/attendence
-DNA demo
-DNA models (UP 11-14)
^ will be collected on monday

-read 12.3
-UP 9-10
-tribune article (11/23)

On friday in class we did a DNA activity. First Mrs. Stein explained our task and then assigned us new lab groups. She told us that we were going to build a model of DNA and show how replications occurs. First we answered some questions and then started our first activity. A diffferent colored tube represented a different kind of nucleotide. Yellow - Guanine, Orange-Adenine, Green -Thymine, and Blue-Cytosine. A white tube stood for phosphate, a white rod stood for hydrogen bond, and a lack pentagon stood for deoxyribose. We assembeled these together to make a DNA model. Mrs. Stein then came around, and if it was correct she initialed our packet. We then moved on to the second activity which was to show how DNA replicates. The DNA untwists and "unzips" into two halfs between the base pairs. Then new nuceotides are added and there are two identical DNA strands. We then asnwered some more questions and before we knew it, the bell rang and class was over.

The next scribe will be Chloe

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