Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Spread of Germs

Today in class we first checked in the homework, looked over the scribe for the day, went over some of the tree map that was the night before homework, and finally watched the first five minutes of a Mythbusters clip about the spread of germs.

We also made another contribution to the Disease of the Day chart that we have been working on for the past week. Today's disease was Pneumonia which comes in the form of a virus, bacteria, of a fungi which are called pathogens. Pneumonia is transmitted by casual contact such as saliva or mucus. The disease caused an inflammation of the lungs and can be treated with antibiotics.

in the first half of the Mythbusters video, we watched Adam spread the liquid from the rig attached to the edge of his nose one drip at a time. after the first experiment was finished they turned off all of the lights and put all of the items covered by the liquid under the black light. it was surprising to see how far the mucus from one person's nose can spread to places not even thought possible is such a short period of time. The next experiment consisted of a party where Adam was hooked up to the same rig camouflaged so it looked like a irritated patch of skin. there were three people who knew about the liquid drippings and were supposed to avoid it as much as possible. There were also three other people who didn't know about the liquid drippings and were just invited to the party. Adam's party ended at the same time class ended so we have yet to see the ending.


-UP pgs.28-31 (use your book)
-Bio Day Tomorrow
-Postcard due 11/8/10
-Test on 11/9/10

THE NEXT SCRIBE WILL BE............................


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