Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Second Day of the New Unit

Tuesday November 30th, 2010
Today was the 2nd day of our new unit. When we first got into class, Mrs. Stein had us turn in our color coding homework into the bin, and we also got a new stamp for our Meiosis 11.4 homework. We also picked up our graded Protein Synthesis Activity.

After that, Mrs. Stein started to discuss a little more about Meiosis and how it differs from Mitosis. We took some notes, but Mrs. Stein reassured us that it is beyond necessary to understand what she's talking about before we write it down. If not, we can always ask for help. She pulled up a slideshow with the notes below, first giving us the phases in each Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Later, were slides on Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment, Crossing Over, and Meiosis in Men vs. Women.

Some things she pointed out were that:
-Dna replication does not occur between Meiosis I and Meiosis II.
-Meiosis II looks A LOT like Mitosis!
-Crossing over occurs only in Prophase I of Meiosis I.
-Meiosis has a greater variety of gene combinations.

Independent Assortment:

  • Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment
  • Alleles (form of a gene) separate independently of each other
  • Leads to formation of MANY different genes

Here is the link for the slides that you may of missed:


The Homework is:
**Read 11.1 in textbook (Mrs. Stein is trusting us to read on our own without notes!)
**UP Pages 29-31
All for tomorrow^

With the last 10 minutes of class, Mrs. Stein showed us some slides and explained a few genetic terms you can find on UP 21. This will help on the homework (pages 29-31)
Also, she discussed Punnett Squares and how to create them, along with ratios, percents, and fractions for phenotypes and genotypes. She went over the pages for homework, and all the important steps on creating a punnett square and finding the Genotype and Phenotype.
Genotypes- ex. 1 Aa : 1 aa, 50% Aa, 50% aa
Phenotypes- ex. 3 green : 1 yellow, 75% green, 25% yellow

aaannddddd...the next scribe is ZoE!

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