Wednesday, October 13, 2010

*The Cell Cycle*

We always learn something new in Mrs. Stein's classroom every day.

Since today was late arrival with thirty-five minute classes, the class began by walking in, picking up a sheet and a picture, and sitting down. The sheet was our homework, and the picture was to tape into our notes. After organizing ourselves, Mrs. Stein asked for everybody to have their stamp sheet
and their Estimation of Cancer Risk Graph located in the UP packet (55). Continuing the morning, Mrs. Stein had notes on the Smart Board for everybody to copy down - there is a picture of them on the left of this scribe. The notes were on the Cell Cycle and basics about it. The cycle has four stages, in which chromosomes take place. The cycle consists of: Interphase (G1), S Phase, G2, and the M Phase. Cells undergo these stages in order to grow, replicate, prepare for mitosis, and finally, divide. Chromosomes are in the cell, and they are the ones that do the jobs. After taking notes for about twenty minutes, we were allowed to work on our Mitosis (65) Worksheet. We had to annotate, and on the back, color the appropriate structures the appropriate color. Since that was fifteen minutes, the bell rang and class
was over. We walked out with our heads filled with science and looking for tomorrow.

1) Annotate the Mitosis worksheet (with notes in the margins!), and color code the back.
2) Start Cancer research.
3) Cancer essay due 10/25.

The Homework. ^ ...... >

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