Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Welcome Back!!!
After getting new seats, we started our new unit on Evolution! Everyone was REALLY excited! We started off by playing a game of written 'telephone' to illustrate how things can change over time.  In the process, we learned that we aren't the best artists! We then brainstormed a little bit about what we already knew about evolution... below is a summary of our brainstorm:
-Change over time
-"we evolved from monkeys"... NOT TRUE!!! we shared a common ancestor with monkeys!
- Darwin is credited for 'natural selection' and 'survival of the fittest'
- Evolution is a THEORY, not a LAW.. but it does have a lot of evidence
We then started a movie about Darwin's voyage that was hosted by Alan Alda... the dude from MASH!

Timeline of Life!
Holly will be our next scribe!

For Homework... nothing is due tomorrow, however, you need to do a DOUBLE BUBBLE MAP titled "Darwin v. Lamark" using the readings from 16.1, 16.2, and 16.3.  It is due Weds.  Be sure to do a good job of including specifics IN YOUR OWN WORDS! See moodle for help with the format.

Also, come visit Mrs. Stein for a HW pass before next Tuesday! 

Lets all get off to a good start! 

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