Monday, February 21, 2011

Incredible Invertebrates !!!

Wow, that was by far one of the coolest labs this year. Live and crawling millipedes that were 6 inches long, hissing Madagascar cockroaches, and swarming bloodsucking leaches were only the beginning! I still can't understand how Delia had the guts to play with the millipede, even more crazier then that Mrs. Stein was willing to let the thousand legged creature crawl all over her face! you would have to pay me a million dollars for me to do that. So we went though the 8 stations and carefully observed the differences between the 8 phylum which are : Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Arthopoda. My most favorite station was station 4 Nematoda, which contained the vinegar Eel. I was fascinated by how this tiny little creature chooses to thrive in an acidic solution such as vinegar.I studied them under the microscope and found thousands of them all small but different sizes squirming around in the solution. Another station i found to be pretty intriguing was the Cnidaria. This tiny nearly microscopic Hydra attached it self to a living Daphnia (water flea) and was slowly nibbling away at it.I was astonished by how such a small organism hunted on living prey. Last but not least the most impressive animal belonged to the phylum Arthropada. The Madagascar hissing cockroach. Man if I found one of these creepy crawlers in my bed I would never sleep again! Mrs stein gave the bug a nudge and he let out air making a loud hissing noise that could be heard from across the room. That was The biggest cockroach i have ever seen, might change my mind about ever visiting Madagascar.
e are some photos similar to what the lab was like...
Vinegar Eel.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach.


Thanks for reading!!
Homework for period 2 due Tuesday is:
Finish the invertebrates lab Pgs. 19-27
invertebrate profile p.3
And dont forget about your project due on 2-28

The next scribe is Andrew G

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