Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fridays Class

Fridays class had a sub. In the beginning of class we got our home work checked in for a stamp (UP- 12). After we got our homework checked in we went over it. We specifically discussed problems 8 and 9 because some people had difficulty answering those problems. After we talked about homework we talked about Influenza.

  • Virus
  • endemic/respiratory infection transmitted by casual contact
  • treatment for symptoms only
  • prevented by vaccines and sanitation
  • 40,000 in u.s year
  • one million world wide

A video about Influenza --->

After discussing Influenza we went over the lab (UP 13-18 ).

Lab: How common are bacteria and how quickly do they reproduce?

The purpose of this lab was to learn about sterile techniques, expose nutrient agar to 3 objects to determine if bacteria are present on the objects, observe bacterial colonies on your agar plate, evaluate your sterile techniques and determine places where bacteria are likely to be found.
The four objects/surfaces my group tested were, 1- Locker, 2- water fountain, 3- top of a hand sanitizer bottle and 4- was unexposed.

The picture above is an example of what the trays looked like only our trays were cut in fourths.


UP 13-18
Post card 11/8
READ 20.3 w/ double bubble map "Bacterial vs. Viral Disease" - Monday

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