Sunday, October 17, 2010

period 2 sts biology

Today in biology we started out class by discussing and taking notes on why cells reproduce. I learned that cells reproduce for three main reasons. 1. To replace dead cells in case of an accident like a cut or wound. 2. To keep a cell from growing to large, it needs to follow the cell cycle and split every now and then. 3. To let the body grow and develop through childhood. If cells would not reproduce then we would not be able to live, grow, and exist.

After discussing we were given time to finish up the lab from the day before. we quickly set out our microscopes and started filling in our lab in our lab packets. If you did not finish the lab it is not to be completed for homework. Mrs. Stein is giving us an opportunity to come in before school Monday morning to finish it!

The homework for Monday is:
read pages 43,44 in text book skip buffers.
read section 10.3 in text book up to 52b-52d and create a flow map
Cancer paper is due on 10/25
Create citation account by tuesday


  1. whats topics to we make the flow map on?

  2. it is a "MULTI - FLOW MAP",... the center box should say "unregulated cell cycle"... look at moodle for the sample diagram and click on the calendar assignment... i gave some hints there.
