Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Super Awesome Post

Hey everyone sorry for not posting yesterday but this one is going to be an amazing post that is going to make up for it. So this first section is going to be all about yesterday or 10/26. So our Agenda was as following

-Take out UP 6-9 w/ stamp sheet
-Star and Wish
-Go over lab
-notes on viruses
-video on viruses
-20.2 "Picture and words"
-Quiz Thursday so study
-post card 11/8

The Lab that we went over was the who infected who lab. In the lab hopefully everyone found out that ed was the carrier (a carrier is someones who has the infection but shows no symptoms(just in case you forgot)). Also Marriam and Tran tested negative for having the disease. Your final web or chain of infection should have been, Mr.Paek gave it to Heather, Heather gave it to ed (the carrier), and then ed gave it to Mrs. Dillion, Laura, and Mr. Wegley. Note that Mr. Wegley could have given the disease to Laura. Following our discus ion on the Lab we started the notes on viruses.

The first slide showed us the Viruses come in variety of shapes.

these are the different cells that were shown in the diagrams we were shown

our next slide was about the lysogenic cycle

Viral Disease

- How Do viruses cause disease?

  • Attacks and destroys cells
  • Disrupts homeostasis

- Common viral diseases:

  • West Niles, HIV, Chickenpox, Flu, Warts

-vaccines may prevent disease

-Antibiotic DO NOT work against viruses

This was the last of the notes for Tuesday.

After the notes we watch a video for a little bit on diseases and cholera and other topics under viruses.


Today we turned in our 20.2 notes or kept them and got them stamped so we could study them. During this time I was reminded that I forgot to Scribe. Then i was informed that i had to make this post super awesome (which it totally is). After that little discussion we talked about the disease of the day which is cholera. After that we started our noted on Bacteria and everything about it......well....not everything cause that's a lot of info, we would have to be genius. Anyways after the notes which ill share with you in a bit we watch a movie about a lethal bacteria that can help cure hyper muscles. In the movie they were talking about how the bacteria is the most lethal bacteria in the entire world. but at a thousandth of the lethal doce it can be used to relax muscle. This bacteria is now also used in Botox.

The notes:

-prokaryotic- no nuclear membrane; one chromosome found in cytoplasm
- ribosomes

metabolic Diversity

Energy Source

-heterothophs get their energy from other organisms

-autptrophs make their own food

  • Photosynthetic
  • chemosynthetic


-obligate aerobes requires O2

-obligate anaerobes w/o O2

-Facultative anearobes w/o or w/ O2

Binary Fission

-DNA replicates,and the cell divides in half


-exchange genetic material across a hollow bridge (pili)

Spore Formation

-ENDOSPORE may form under harsh conditions

-Spores stay dormant until conditions are favorable

-Protects DNA

These were all the notes that we did, study these and good luck on the quiz.

Today we also did a disease of the day. To day it was cholera, the notes are as follows.




-Transmitted through contaminated food and water

-Treated by antibiotic

-Prevented by purifying water, sewage treatment, and proper cooking.

-1000,000-2000,000 deaths a year worldwide

Thank you for listening and reading my amazing awesome post have fun reading all of this during class and don't forget to check out the videos and pictures that I'm going to post:D

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