Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 18, 2010

Hey guys, sorry for the late post...anyways, here's what we did in class yesterday (as today was a BIO DAY!!! I mean c'mon how interesting was that? "I had a little birdy, his name was Enza, I opened up the door and influenza"...haha so weird!!!!))
First we started off by turning in our multi-flow map and since Mrs. Stein's computer was down, we skipped the star&wish for Michael B's blog. Make sure to check out his blog and to comment on it.

Then when began to take notes in class, and I titled mine "Cancer Notes"
Here's how they looked:
Plant cells:
-Cell plate forms between cells.
-No centrioles.
-Spindle fibers
-Stages of Mitosis (PMAT)*
Animal cells:
-Cell pinches at cleavage furrow.
-Spindle fibers
-Stages of Mitosis (PMAT)*
*Note: PMAT stands for the four stages of Mitosis; prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Then we went on to try to understand PH, which can be found in your text book on page 43-44.
Notes involving PH:
Acid is at a PH level at 14, a neutral is at a PH level 7, and a base is at a PH level of 14.
Examples: acid: stomach acid, soda; neutral: pure water; base: soap.
-If more positive charges than negatives, then it's classified as an acid.
-If it has more negative charges, then it's classified as a base.

We moved onto another section of notes: regulating the cell cycle, which is what our previous HW assignment was on; here are some notes:
-Cyclins are proteins that regulate the cell cycle.
-Spindle formation is during Interphase.
Ask yourself this question: What does DNA control?
And answer with this (one): DNA contains the instructions for making important proteins.
Note: If this goes wrong or bad, then the cell can either: 1) divide out of control or 2) not divide at all.
-The cell has internal regulators that check and make sure the cell is ready to go through Mitosis. (Spindle fibers, replicated DNA, etc.)
-External regulators, on the other hand, are out signals meant to help speed up OR slow down cell divison. P53 is an external regulator.
(Note: such as wound healing or contact inhibition.)
-Caginogens are things that cause cancer, such as the follow:
~UV rays

That was all for the notes we jotted down in class on Monday, here's the homework:
-SIGN UP by TODAY for TurnItIn.Com
(Steps: 1. Click "NEW USERS CLICK HERE"
2. Click "New Students start here"
3. Click on Create a User Profile
4. Choose student in the next window avalible.
5. The class ID is 3574346, and the password is our teacher's last name, no caps.
6. Enter your information that it is asking for.
7. Create a password that is 6-12 characters (LETTERS & NUMBERS) long
8. Choose your helpful question.
8. Click I AGREE
9. Log in!)
-Cancer Paper: 10/25...must be on TurnItIn.Com AND have a paper copy, as well.
-Cell quiz/test on Wednesday

That's all! The next scribe is Jordan.

Good luck studying, everyone!

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