Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Sausage in the Cup

Today we did a lab which was an example of diffusion. diffusion is when one object passes through a cell or a cell membrane into a less densly populated area. The lab that we did involved a plastic tube about 7 inches long, 200ml beaker, glucose solution, an iodine solution, and a soluble starch solution. First we got the plastic tube and tied a string tightly to the bottom of it, then we filled it with the starch solution. After the tube was filled, we added 20 drops of glucose into the starch. Meanwhile the others in the group filled a beaker with water and added a good squirt of iodine into the beaker.

Then we put the plastic tube into the beaker and waited. while we waited we reviewed some of the organells that we have a test on for tomarrow.

When we came back the glucose and the starch had a purpleist tint to it. We later learned that the iodine from the beaked had diffused into the plastic bag. it did this because there was a large population of iodine in the beaker and some of it wanted to get into a less populated area.
That is how the lab went so we cleaned up and and started on answering the questions in the unit packet.
Homework :
-Finish diffusion lab, Pgs.33-35

The next scribe is Natatlie

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